VAST 4.x Macros

This page contains the latest/current list of the "official" macros defined by the IAB Tech Lab's Digital Video Technical Working Group. The purpose of this page is to allow new Macros to be added to the supported list without requiring a new version of VAST to be released. Support for those macros are going to be optional, but having them listed here allows for faster adoption of these macros (instead of requiring a new VAST version to be released).

  1. New macros (approved by the IAB Tech Lab's Digital Video Technical Working Group) will be added to the top of this page in section 1 New Macros.
  2. When the next version of VAST is released, they will be included in the official set of macros for that version, and this page will be updated by moving those macros to the relevant sections.
Note: While these macros were introduced in VAST4, they can be used with all versions of VAST. We encourage this use since it can be easily supported and will help transparency and improve workflows across the entire video advertising ecosystem overall.