
Implementation FAQ


Below is a list of frequently asked questions in relation to implementing the OM SDK.

Can I inject the OMID JS library into the ad response server-side?

Yes. The implementation docs assume you will fetch the ad response and inject the OMID JS library client-side, but you can also do the same server-side. The key is that the library must be injected and available before any third party measurement scripts load.

When is it appropriate to call start on an AdSession?

Calling start on an AdSession must only happen after registerAdView.

Calling start on an AdSession must happen when the ad’s activity is currently foregrounded (meaning between onResume and onPause)

Re-calling registerAdView on an already started AdSession must happen when the new ad’s activity is currently foregrounded (meaning between onResume and onPause)

When is it appropriate to signal the impression event?

On ad render for display, per industry guidelines, and right before start of playback for video. To minimize discrepancies, send the OMID impression event at the same time your ad platform signals an impression.

What is the lifecycle of an ad session?

The lifecycle of the session, from start to finish, should match the lifecycle of the ad. A single session should be maintained for a single ad from the time the ad is created until it is completely dismissed or destroyed.

One common question is what should you do with an ad session for an ad that the user scrolls out of view. If the ad can be scrolled into view again and you would count this as the same, rather than a new, impression, you should maintain the ad session you originally created for the ad; you do not need to call any methods on the session to notify it that the ad has scrolled out of view.

Similarly, if the user can interrupt ad playback by backgrounding the app and then returns to the app to resume the same impression, you want to make sure that you maintain only a single ad session; do not attempt to destroy the ad session when the user backgrounds the app and create a new one when they reopen the app and the ad resumes. You should certainly, however, make sure to signal the pause and resume events appropriately in this instance.

Note on native display

For native display ads the lifecycle we described above is challenging to do in practice since they are often implemented with view reuse (i.e., the views are created and destroyed dynamically as the user scrolls, for example, through a feed). In this case, it’s difficult to predict the lifecycle of the ad itself making the management of the ad session challenging as well.

What this means from a practical standpoint is that you may have no other choice than to create and destroy multiple ad sessions for a single impression. The issue is that this will result in impression discrepancies and other measurement problems since the impression is no longer tracked as a single continuous session. You will need to speak with your preferred measurement companies to determine how to ensure proper impression counting in this scenario. The capabilities may differ but at a minimum will likely require the use of an impression ID to “tie together” several ad sessions to a single impression.

Where do I get the measurement resources for native ad formats?

Please see the relevant implementation steps for specifics.

For video, you will typically want to leverage VAST 4.1 but you can technically embed the necessary information (vendor URL, parameters, vendor identifier) in the ad response in any other manner convenient to you. The advantage of using the VAST 4.1 spec is standardization. If your video player does not support VAST 4.1, you must still use the VAST 4.1 verification node and place it within the Extensions section.

For display, VAST 4.1 is not available, so you must embed the metadata in the response in an alternative format.

Can I reuse a WebView to load multiple display ads in sequence?

Reusing the WebView to load multiple ads is fine, as long as you replace the contents with the new ad response each time and of course repeat the steps outlined in the WebView Display sections.

How do I make sure parts of the ad that are not the main view don’t impact my viewability?

Make sure to pass any blocking views that are part of the ad (e.g., video player controls, close buttons, etc.) as friendly obstructions. Providing the container view that contains all of the elements of the ad is another option.

What is the purpose of the event owner?

The event owner for impression and video events indicates which layer, native or JavaScript, will be responsible for signaling these events so it is important to select the right values.

For WebView display, the ad event owner will almost always be native, since the native layer knows when the WebView will start rendering.

For WebView video, ad event owner and video event owner will generally be JavaScript though there may be exceptions depending on your specific setup.

For native ad formats, both the ad and video events owner will be native.

I have only native ad formats. Does the OM SDK use WebViews internally?

The OM SDK does need to create a JavaScript execution environment in order to be able to measure the ads. On iOS it uses JavaScriptCore and on Android it uses a plain WebView.

What is the purpose of isolating verification scripts?

This setting is only applicable to HTML (WebView) video. When isolation is enabled measurement resources will be placed in a sandboxed iframe where they cannot access the video ad element. If isolation is disabled, they will be placed into a same-origin iframe.

You should isolate if you have strict requirements for isolation of 3rd party code from the video player. Please note that doing so may place more stringent quality assurance requirements on your integration.

How is the on-off state of a TV detected?

On Android and Android TV, sleeping the device causes the OS to trigger the app’s backgrounding logic, which the OM SDK reports as backgrounded. For Android mobile devices, this means that turning the screen off e.g. via tapping the power button will cause the ad to be marked as not viewable due to backgrounding.

On Android TV, depending on the TV’s capabilities (such as HDMI CEC) and the behavior of the Android TV device, turning the TV off may turn off the device, which means triggering the background logic as mentioned above. If the TV and/or device do not support that behavior, the HDMI connection may be reported by the Android OS via the AudioManager.ACTION_HDMI_AUDIO_PLUG broadcast action. If this broadcast action reports that no HDMI output device (e.g. TV) is connected to the Android TV device, the ad will be marked as not viewable due to no output device. For compatability with the behavior marked above, this case will also be marked as backgrounded. Note that this method usually detects all common situations in which the TV is not displaying the Android TV device, including the TV being switched to a different input; however, there may be combinations of TV and device for which this case and/or others are not detected, in which case the ad will be considered viewable since the state is unknown.